Month: October 2011

  • ~Broke Tooth Fairy~

    I’m not a tooth puller. Hard to believe, I know. As the mother of four, you would think I would have been forced to pull at least one tooth by now, right?

    The idea of causing physical discomfort to another person makes me nauseous. Literally.

    ANYWAY…..the tooth thing. Night before last, my number was up. Reese had been moaning and groaning all evening about this tooth that was about to fall out. I kept telling her to pull it like she has before, but she would have nothing of it. I finally got fed up with it and the teeniest bit frustrated said,

    “Reese! Come here!” 

    Reese trudges slowly down the stairs….still moaning. “Mama, please don’t pull it, it’ll hurt! Are you going to pull it? I don’t want you to pull it. Are you going to pull it?” 

    “Reese! I don’t pull teeth! I can’t stand it. I’m just going to feel it to see if it’s really ready. We’ll let Daddy pull it! Just come here!”

    Put my paper towel covered fingers around the tooth to honestly, just give it a wiggle, and out it came. stunned

    I don’t know who was more surprised. 

    I think little girls in this house have lost a combined three teeth in the last week or two.

    Poor tooth fairy is getting low on cash….or so I hear. winky


    this was three years ago

    time flies

    and i’m not sure how i feel about that




  • ~Imaginary Staycation”

    Have you ever tried to completely empty your brain? Like, grab a pen and paper and just write.

    List every single thing you are storing anywhere in your brain. All of the, “Oh, I need to get that. Need to call about that. Have GOT to remember to ask about that. Need to find time to order that.” You know the stuff.

    Well I have. I got to about 20 things, got distracted by somebody needing something and never got back to my list. Don’t even know where the list is. 

    I hate things being undone but have to live there most of the time. Undonesville. I’m NOT a fan.

    There is never a time when every box gets checked. 

    It’s either a season or I’m completely incompetent. 

    Maybe I need a “staycation”. I’ve heard of those. Never done it, but that sounds just about right. 

    I should send my little chickens off to Grandmas, and hold up in my house for about three days. 

    I would probably spend the first 24 hours in a near coma. I would crash. Brad would come home that first day and find me in a vegetative state. Maybe even drooling. 

    Eventually, the shock would wear off, the silence would bother me, and I would get down to business.

    ~I would organize every nook and cranny in this house.

    ~I would spend hours confiscating the million little, tiny “toys” that are stashed in my kids rooms and blissfully skip to the trashcan to rid myself of everything tiny and mismatched.

    ~I would sit at the computer, select and order two years worth of prints that I’ve been meaning to get into albums.

    ~I would go buy a stash of food and paper goods for my second kitchen. I would have enough toilet paper and paper towels to last six months.

    ~I would get every item of clothing cleaned, ironed, and put away ALL at the same time. 

    If I ever get a staycation, that’s what it will look like. pleased

    Thank you, for affording me that little rant. 





    ~~~~~Brad loved this picture~~~~~                                          ~~~~~I loved this picture~~~~~

    ~~~We all love her chunky legs and sweet belly. She does NOT love clothes. Or the beach, as you can see below. ~~~





    ~~~We had a fun fall thing to go to the other night with friends. Didn’t get a single “great” photo, but we had so much fun~~~

    These pictures make me laugh because we were looking so rough by the end of the night! Look at the bare feet, rainbow hair, drool covered clothes, and sweaty heads!


    ~~~I’m pretty sure I ate two bags of cotton candy. I love it. Even though I’m 37.~~~


    My bed is calling my name.

    Good night and brace yourself for Monday.

    Oh wait.

    That statement would horrify my Dad. He would say, “Monday is going to be a great day!”

    So, instead, let me say, “Happy Almost Monday. It’s going to be the start of a great week” grrrr. whatevah



  • ~My Mantle~





    It was overcast, cool, and rainy today. I made chili for supper.

                   Fall is definitely here.


    If you know Avery, you know how pensive she can be. She asks a million questions, some of which are very grown up.

    From the backseat, as she stares out the window while I drive, she asks,

    “Is Sparky real?” (The stuffed mascot for Wednesday night kids church activities)

    “No.” was my instant reply.

    “Well, then why do they say,’Sparky is watching’?”

    “Uhm…..they are just trying to motivate y’all to have good behavior.”

    Her nose wrinkles up in confusion. “So, they’re tricking us?”

    “Yep. Pretty much, Avery.”

    “Hmm. I wonder why teachers do that.”

    “I don’t know, Babe.”

                    ~She has a point~




  • ~Community~



    1.a social group of any size whose members reside in aspecific locality, share government, and often have acommon cultural and historical heritage.
    3.a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the largersociety 
    within which it exists (usually preceded by the ): thebusiness community; the community of scholars.
    5.Ecclesiastical a group of men or women leading a commonlife according to a rule.

    I have experienced community life in recent weeks that is almost hard to believe. 
    You can’t force friendship.
    You can’t force “real”.
    You can’t fake trust.
    You can’t pretend “family” if it’s not the real deal.
    I realize that may make zero sense but I can’t help but typing it.

    That’s where I am. After years of moving around, and with every move providing instant friendships because every move was centered around the medical community, i.e. medical school, residency, and fellowship, I was a little terrified of our first “non-medical” move.
    I was sure our luck had run out.
    There would be no more Young, Gambrells, Mitchells, and Dunlaps in the world. We were done. Hosed. 
    Saturday morning, at 7, I got a call from my sweet husband, on his way to do rounds and operate.
    He said,
    “Jon called, has extra tickets, and wants to take the kids to the UGA game with him.”
    I thought, All the kids? He is c.r.a.z.y. Nice, but c.r.a.z.y. 
    I refused to inflict pain and misery on this kind man by sending FOUR kids with him to a football game. 
    Long story not so long, he ended up taking his oldest daughter and our Reese to Athens. (Anna Grace, affectionataly known as, “AG” by her family, has earned the nickname, “AG” in our house as well, because my girls think her initials sound even better than a full “Anna Grace”. It is their term of endearment for this precious little girl.) 

    The simple fact that I had zero hesitation about sending my seven year old to a collegiate football game with a friend and her Daddy, speaks  for itself. If that’s not trust, I don’t know what is! 
    But the story gets better. Reese gets carsick and vomits in the parking lot on the way there.
    But then, she got celebrity treatment at the game which made it all better.
    Corndog, field level access, and pom poms. The little iPhone pics had me smiling all day.

    Saturday night, we had the priviledge of going to an engagement/pre-wedding shower for Heather. Remember her? My amazing neighbor that brought me brownies and four smiling faces when I was barely pregnant and new to this town? Read her story here. It’s actually only a part of her story. The rest is yet to be written and I am thrilled to be a part of it. You should know Andy…..he’s pretty amazing himself. 

    One day last week, a guitar knowledgeable friend dropped by to make sure the guitar I got for Jake fit him and showed me a cool tuning app on my phone. (Oh, and my house was a MESS when he came.whatevah I just politely said, “‘excuse the mess, Chris. Come on in!”)

    We just got leftover brownies dropped off at 9:00 p.m. because our friends knew we like brownies. 

    We had friends drop by last night after the shower and I actually changed into pajama pants while they were here. That either says how much like family they are or just how tacky I am. Or maybe just how much I love pajama pants. Either way, I’m pretty sure your about as good as family if you put on pjs when you have company. 

    This morning at church, we actually had church. I could write an epistle here, but I won’t. It was just one more example of people I’ve been surrounded by that I care about, want to invest in, and am so incredibly thankful for. People that let you say whatever is on your heart and love you anyway.
    It sounds obvious to be thankful for people, I guess.

    But like I said, you can’t force friendship and family. “Authentic community” (I think I just made that term up), is a commodity I don’t want to do without. 
    So, to all my people, you are just that. My kind of people and I appreciate each and every one of you. 

    How about some beach pictures?! 

    And tomorrow is my birthday….in case you wanted to know.
    I’m proud to say I’ll be 37 tomorrow. Getting older beats the alternative! I’ll take  37 with a smile.





    Now THAT! Is funny. I don’t care who ya’ are. laughing