Month: February 2010

  • ~Nearly Three Weeks And A Flower Hat~

    Our first two and a half weeks with little Emma have been surprisingly smooth. I have heard that after three children, it doesn’t matter how many you have….I believe it.
     (Not that we’ll be testing that theory out…)

    I realize that to anyone but me these pictures all look basically alike.
    If you would, humor me….;)

    The best thing I’ve read in a while….

    “having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.”

    Forgiveness for anything that is open to anyone.

    The other day, Jake had done something wrong which opened a discussion about sin. We talked about forgiveness and how that should mean you forget and move on. Leave it behind you.
    I made a joke and said, “What did you do?? I already forgot! See?”
    Later on that day, Avery did something and got upset over the offense and the consequence. Jake piped up and excitedly said, “Avery! It’s okay! We already forgot it happened!” 

    Just a few pics from our first “family of six” outing:


  • ~Emma Livingston~

    Emma Livingston. She’s absolutely precious. Mine have all been content,good babies …but this little thing is oddly easy. She just doesn’t cry unless she has an obvious need. I think she knows she’s number 4 and just has to go with the flow!

    She’s now 10 days old and we are STARTING to settle into a bit of a routine. For the most part, it’s a routine of slight chaos but peaceful somehow. Brad has been true to form, a real work horse. He’s bathing kids, washing dishes, getting dinner ready, cleaning bathrooms, and doing laundry.

     A little while ago, we passed each other in the hall; my arms full of dirty clothes, headed to the washing machine, his “cleaning shorts” on, Comet in hand, heading to the bathroom. We just smiled, I chuckled and thought to myself, “It’s just nonstop work…constant motion”.     
    (Unless you have a housekeeper…which I have to say, I wouldn’t reject the idea at the moment!)     
    Then I thought, “This is kingdom work. There’s nothing more important right now than this monotonous, mundane routine that takes every bit of us”.

    Oh and for anyone who wants to know, she weighed 8lbs 12 oz. At least we think she did. There was that weight then one a few minutes later that said 8lbs. 6 oz. Doesn’t matter much.
    She was probably my hardest labor but the easiest recovery. I delivered her about 6 hours after I started having pretty good contractions.
    It’s funny how I forgot how little they are…and how precious….


  • Nursery and “Snow”

    Well! Here I am, nearly a week past my due date. As usual. Scheduled for my regular induction tomorrow evening. I’m very ready to get this baby here. It’s not so much nerves as just a desire to start getting things back to normal.
    Normal. Whatever that is.

    It’s been a month since my last post which is strange. Every bit of me has been given to grow this baby, take care of Brad and kids, and get a nap when I could! Just driving home from errands a little while ago, I felt for the first time in a while that I might actually pick my camera up again soon or feel inspired to write something that means something. (Even if it’s meaningful only to me.) Maybe it’s the mild temperatures or the fact that I can almost smell and feel spring being right around the corner…whatever it is, I’m okay with saying goodbye to winter.

    The nursery is pretty  much done. I’ll add a few things as I find them I’m sure. My Mom has an amazing ability to find bargains unlike anyone I know. Of course, it takes time, patience, and a willingness to shop for things in odd places.
    BTW, none of those things are strengths of mine which is why I was thrilled with the help she gave me. She has to pull me along after about the fifth store, whether it be Big Lots, the Salvation Army, or some mysterious second hand store.
    BUT! I went willingly and was very pleased with the results.
    ***Thank you Mom!!! ***

    We have a name. (After much deliberation and prayer)
    It’s a name I wrote on a list when I was 15 years old.
    I love it.

    We had a little “snow” here recently. Schools closed and everything.
    A light dusting is a big deal, you know!!

    There’s more than one way to make a snow angel!
