Month: June 2011

  • ~Old, Meet New~





    If you have a hard to find item you really really want to find, just casually mention it to my parents.

    Odds are, they’ll find it.

    They are garage sale gurus.

    I’ve been re-thinking the kids’ playroom. It’s over crowded with toys they don’t really play with. What they do love, however, is role play.

    ~School, dress up, house, etc.~

    I played office with Beth for years it seemed like. We scrounged up old checkbooks, adding machines, telephones, and receipt books and played office for hours at the time. We had boyfriends, fancy office names, and big plans for when we finally got off work. Loved it.

    So, I mentioned to Dad that I wanted to find an old typewriter for the kids to play with. A week or so later, I get a phone call.

    “Stacey, we’re at this garage sale and there’s a typewriter for $15. I don’t know if it works. Do you want it?”


    Would you believe it works?!



  • ~Calling All Photographers~

    Educate me.

    I got a 50mm lens. Supposedly it should give amazingly clear shots. BUT. So far, it’s driving me crazy. It’s finicky and only has one tiny focal point. 

    Here’s  my question. I’ve kept it on F1.8 because I love the light for indoor photos. Is that the reason for the limited focusing? 


    Avery’s right eyeball and cheek is the only thing that is remotely in focus. 


    And here, Emma’s pinky,G, A, A#, and B are the only things really clear.





  • ~Emma and The Garage~ (literally)


    Emma is nearly 17 months. She’s easy going, playful, and a sweet addition to our family.





    I know it’s a blurry picture, but I’m convinced angels sing when they see this garage! laughing This has been a summer of organizational projects and major clean out.   I wish I had a before picture. The walls were white with streaks of off white and I, not being a fan of two tone paint, paid Fermin (my favorite handy man) to paint the walls and ceiling, and stain the floor. The best part was that I found the wall paint in my basement. Thank you, people who lived here before us! That was a fun surprise. The bike rack, which is my favorite thing, gets the kid’s bikes up and off the floor. The less you have on the floor, the better. Yes, I will have to get them down, but that doesn’t bother me so much. I know it’s just a garage but every time I pull in, I get happy.

    I feel like my summer is slipping away so I plan to make the most out of July. We’ve got a few short trips planned, lots of visits to the pool ahead, and I have more things I want to get done in the house. I have a dining room light coming this week that I’m excited about and a little scared of! Amy, my friend who also helps me decorate, calls it a “statement piece”. It’s different but I have a feeling I’m going to love it. We shall see!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday.






  • ~Where I Blog~

    I’m late to the party but here it is.

    A friend of a friend started a “Where I Blog” post and invited people to share their creative space. If you want to join in, visit here

    Where I blog! I’m in one of two places. My kitchen or my couch.

    First, and most boring, is right smack dab in the middle of my kitchen.

    I’m always on the hunt for a comfy chair to replace my garage sale chair. It’s pretty but oh so stiff.

    Aside from the planter that is supposed to have something in it to hide all the ugly cords, the pony tail holder on the floor, and the high chair tray on the table, there’s not much to talk about. Not an exciting space but this room is a busy one.


    This is my comfy spot. And my favorite sandals.

    My laptop is Brad’s ancient one and doesn’t have much life left I’m afraid.


    So there you have it. Where I blog.




  • ~14 Years~


    14 years ago I took a chance. With every thing I knew about Brad, I loved a good man but I also knew that only time reveals everything about a person.

    Let’s be honest. Marriage is a crap shoot.  But being head over heels, I rolled the dice and gambled on the hopes that the man I would commit my life to would always love me.

    I remember writing him a note asking him never to change. “Promise me you won’t get tired of me.” I pleaded. “Tell me I won’t get boring or become ‘old hat’ to you. Will you like me after I have a baby or when I look older?” 

    Here I sit, six moves, 10 and half years of schoolshocked, four children, and a whole lot of laughter and tears later, thankful to say that yes, he still loves me. He even likes me still.

    The other day, I pulled out my little keepsake box of stuff from when we were dating. The first thing I found made me smile. If you know me, you know I’m a list person. ~A planner.~ Always have been. If it’s not written down, there’s a good chance it won’t happen.  In 1994, at the ripe old age of 19, I wasn’t dating anyone and decided to write down things that I knew would matter to me. Things I would do my best to find out about the guy I would marry. Maybe my list was a little naive, because it’s only by God’s grace that I got what I thought I was getting. I’m still amazed at how much Brad is what I wrote down. 

    First on the list was, “Must be a hard worker.”

    He spent an entire summer in the sweltering heat of south Georgia raking pine straw. He made his own baler, sold, delivered, and put out straw.  He took me to dinner with the money he made, but hid most of it in a sock in the top of his closet. He would just smile and tell me he was saving it. Now, I rarely look at my engagement ring without seeing pine straw, Brad’s big red pick-up truck, his sweat stained t-shirt, dirty khaki pants, and usual smiling face. I would drive out sometimes and watch him rake and bale, rake and bale, rake and bale. I don’t remember him ever being grouchy amidst all the gnats, mosquitoes, and humidity.  He was a man on a mission.

    The rest of my list pertained to character issues. Things like did he have integrity, would he value his family, did he practice self-control whether or not people were watching? Yes, yes, and yes.

    We had been dating only a month or so when we had our first serious conversation. I knew he was leaving for Auburn that fall and I didn’t want to be a long distance pain in the neck for him.  If he wanted to date and have the “college experience”, I would certainly understand that. Of course, that meant I would be a little more guarded and would have definitely put the brakes on a bit. I remember when I said that, he was a little horrified at the thought and quickly said,

    “No. What I want is right here in front of me. I don’t want to look around.”

    I still love that. He saw no value in “playing the field”. He was decisive about me and still is.

    It’s impossible to sum up 14 years of marriage in one xanga post. But I can tell you where I started and where I am at the present.

    I started off excited, young, infatuated, eager, half ignorant, full of mystery, scared, poor, madly in love, and certain I was marrying the right guy.

    Now, I am hopeful, satisfied, content, not quite so ignorant, settled, full of warm memories and hilarious stories. We are rich in blessings and I am deeply in love. ~Deep. Not mad.~ There is a difference. I am loved by someone who knows every stretch mark on my body. He tells me to smile and points out where my wrinkles will be. He thinks I look pretty first thing in the morning. We both have a few battle scars.

    Have we hurt each other? Yes.

    Have I said things I regret? Yes.

    Have I ever been so mad at him I could have spit nails? Absolutely Yes.

    Does he leave dirty sock in the den floor? MmHmm.

    Am I still certain I married the right guy? You bet.








    Happy 14th, Brad! 














  • ~Use Your Eyeballs~

    I would SO like to call the mother that sent her kids to the pool today with the babysitter.

    The babysitter that I do not know but who mortified me as she sat in a chair about 15 feet away from the pool, facing the opposite direction, while she passionately texted her sweet little heart out on her cell phone.

    The two boys she was “watching”? Have no idea.They were swimming, I guess. I’m sure they were fine but I had to resist the urge to  go pat her little leg and say,

    “Darlin’, I assume you are getting paid to babysit these children. Babysitting usually requires your eyes and your brain. If you don’t actually use your eyeballs, they can’t send messages to your brain to tell you to move your 98 pounds in the unlikely event that they should need help.” 

    I am well aware that awful things can happen to your kids even when the Mama is watching. I’m not above making mistakes.  I’ve forgotten one of my own at preschool until 5 minutes past pick up time, had one swallow a penny, get a concussion, knock a tooth out, and a host of other things (all on my watch), but dude. I mean at least if your watching them some of the time, they’ve got a fighting chance! 

    ~~Aie Yie Yie.~~Those kinds of “babysitters” unnerve me.

    Just had to get that off my chest. Whew. Okay, well, I’m off to get my crew fed, and settled down for the evening. I think we’ll skip baths. They swam today and chlorine does have some disinfecting qualities. laughing 


