September 9, 2012

  • ~heart~

    I’ve seen more of my kids’ hearts in the last week than I have in a while. 

    I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out and for them to turn in to monsters that I can hardly stand but so far, I actually like them. I’m sure when hormones come into play, I’ll be in a little deeper but I just love who they are.

    When we have these moments, and they are usually accidental and tend to follow a difficult situation, but these moments where I feel like I’m looking right through their eyes, into their little hearts, I’m always amazed. 

    Learning to tell the truth….even when you REALLY don’t want to.

    She breaks something, cries herself to sleep over it because she can’t bring herself to tell me until the next morning.

    Uniform is on, Mama’s making lunches.

    Big brown eyes brimming with tears, “Mom. I broke the criddle.” 

    “The criddle? What’s a criddle?!”

    “You know that little bed Grandpa made for our dolls?”

    “Oh. The baby doll cradle? Were you standing in it, like I’ve told you not to?” 

    “No ma’am. I tripped over it getting into bed. I didn’t want to tell you last night because I didn’t want you to get mad.”

    “Baby, when you kicked a hole in the wall, did anyone get mad?”

    “No ma’am.”

    “Okay then. We don’t get mad over most childish mistakes. You told me and that’s what matters. I’m sure Grandpa can fix it. It’s all good! Let’s get on with our morning….don’t be sad, we can fix it.”

    I got so tickled over the word criddle. Crib and cradle come out criddle, apparently. We had JUST had a conversation about that doll bed because I caught the child standing in it! I went on and on about what I sentimental treasure it was because of who made it, so of course, because of her tender heart, she was mortified to break anything Grandpa had made. 


    Jake, God bless him, is just a tad forgetful and disorganized. Part of it is genetics and part of it is 10 year old boy. 

    But great land of goshen. Tuesday alone, this boy of mine forgot his lunch, three books going to school and one book coming home.

    He had an awful time with a pop quiz the week before in science, so I had been asked to meet with his teacher to “help Jake succeed in science.” I got nervous just thinking about it.

    Wednesday was the single worst school day I’ve ever had with my children. I ended the academic day at 3:45 and felt like I needed a shot of valium. No kidding. 

    It wasn’t an “i’mgoingtojumpoffabridgeorpullyourhairout” kind of day, but more of a “holycowi’mahugefailureandwanttohideinmyclosetandnotcomeoutforthreedays” kind of day.

    I mean, I was ready to grab them by the nape of the neck, walk into the nearest school and say, “hereyago. i have three kids that need an education from somebody besides me.”

    Anyhoo…..this meeting. I was sure I was going to cry because, let’s face it. I teach my kids three days a week so if they are all dismal failures, it’s got to be my fault, right?

    I mean it’s all on me! Never mind the fact that I’m not an idiot, nor am I a slacker, nor am I not working my tail off trying to educate my children! 

    Quite unexpectedly, I left there teary eyed, yes, but with joy and gratefulness. This teacher and principal were unbelievable. Not only did they affirm that I was doing exactly what I should be, but they encouraged me like nobody else could. They listened intently as I told them how much Jake desired to please and how he got in the car shaking and crying because he realized he’d forgotten his books. They were interested in who my son is and what his strengths and weaknesses are.

    The principal is a mother of three grown sons. She knows boys and said this,

    “5th and 6th grade are years I want you to NOT worry about grades. This is a time for these boys to learn executive skills. We specifically design these years at this school as a time for especially boys, to learn how to be organized and to think on their own….How to be prepared and to get their work done. That’s what we are after. I taught middle school for years and could pick out the boys that would fall through the cracks because nobody helped them learn to be independent and to plan to be successful. So, maybe Jake is forgetful and struggles to be organized. That’s his weakness and it’s a part of how God made him. You have to be okay with that and we are all going to help him in this area. He’s going to be fine. I spent three years frustrated with my son in middle school. He’s 35 now and somewhere along the way, everything clicked.”

    Jake had a huge science test over Unit 1 a couple hours after that meeting that we were both so nervous about. I got an email that evening. He made a 97 on that test!! I don’t typically talk about grades good or bad but this 97 was earned through blood, sweat, and tears on both our parts and deserves a little recognition. 

    AND I learned that nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere, that nodules are little bumps on legumes that contain nitrogen fixing bacteria so that plants and animals can benefit from nitrogen, AND that a peanut plant, along with several other types of plant are legumes. laughing

    I’m a little smarter than I was a month ago, and I’ve learned a little more about these little people God has entrusted to me. Good month. Really excited about fall break that is coming soon but good month.

    This easy weekend was a blissful ending to a week full of growth and challenges. 

    Family was here, Mom got my fall decorations put in place, she helped me make two beautiful wreaths for my door, we had a shower for Abby and her old friend, Rebekah, and my two big kids were baptized today by a dear friend. The Lord knew I needed a weekend like this one.











    ~welcome fall. i’m really glad to see you, smell you, and feel you~











August 24, 2012

  • ~Reese~

    Lightening fast post…..have lots to do.


    This spunky little girl who, seems only like yesterday, looked like this:





    But now looks like this:

    is such a sweet helper.

    she can’t be still.

    she spends more time upside down than she does right side up.

    last week she kicked a softball size hole in the wall. I said, “let’s go swim”. She got excited and karate chopped the wall.

    in her life time, she’s been the kid who:

    chipped her tooth

    swallowed a penny

    had a minor concussion

    scales the door jams

    goes up the stairs on the outside of the bannister

    climbs trees

    and as I’ve already stated, kicks walls out of sheer joy.


    This morning, on her own, she got Emma up, and changed a poopy diaper AND put diaper rash cream on her. (and no, I never ask her to do this…..she’s just sweet that way.)

    A few minutes later, this responsible, maternal, sweet little 8 year old proceeds to ask Emma,

    “Do you want to go play downstairs with Sissy?”

    Off they go.

    I hear a weird noise followed by a thud, crying, silence, and more crying.

    The silence between crying is terrifying to me because I know that means it hurts so bad, they can’t make a sound.

    I dash  downstairs to find Reese trying to comfort Emma, who is so upset, there’s not noise coming out, in spite of tears, and a crying face. I scoop her up, she goes limp, her eyes roll around, I say, “GET MY PHONE!” 

    Reese is terrified, gets my phone and a bowl because the baby seemed to be about to vomit.

    Seconds later, all is well. Nobody puked, Emma came to, and I calmed Reese down. 

    You’ve seen one minor concussion, you’ve seen them all. 

    Apparently, jogging down the stairs, holding a big 2 year old seemed an appropriate thing to do to an 8 year old because,

    “She asked me to, Mom. She likes it!”

    One minute she’s changing baby’s diaper, the next minute she’s running down the stairs with her.

    How do you get mad at that?! 

    I sure can’t. 

    Lack of judgement comes with 8 year olds. 

    I love this little one……busy, super active, happy go lucky, flexible, up beat, precious little Reese Caroline.






August 20, 2012

  • ~A Bunch of Nothing~

    I’m very thankful for a good school day. Really needed it this Monday.

    Confession: I personally have no use for science. Call me crazy but I don’t care a bit about nitrogen, cellular respiration, or even photosynthesis. As long as I have an ample supply of oxygen, I’m good. 

    However, my 5th grader has to learn all this crap, I mean information, so guess what?!!! I’m learning science!! bitter Thankfully, Jake memorizes easily.


    I got my first tiny hint of fall the other day. It was just a little breezy, about 80 something degrees out. I got really excited.

    We are back in full swing. 

    School. Gymnastics. Football. Ballet. Piano. Guitar. 

    As much as our three “at home school” days sometimes drive me to the brink of insanity, I don’t know what I’d do without them.

    Those hours at home are precious to me. Trust me. “Precious” is not the adjective I would use most days until well after we have finished the work. I have to decompress before I reflect on our mornings with even a hint of a smile. It’s the oddest thing… want to jab hot pokers in your eyeballs at 10:37 a.m. but by 3:44, you have this sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in your day. It’s weird. 


    I’ve been completely horrible about taking pictures recently and have nothing but snapshots but here are a few:

     ~Ginger Bread Brown~



     Not sure, but I think she’s flashing gang signs……..don’t ask. I have no idea.




     The Gambrell girls. Old friends. We have a history and I love that. 



    Abby and Cameron’s pre wedding party. Suppose I should include a picture of Cameron here but I’m out of time.

    Dinner is beeping at me from the oven.







August 6, 2012

  • ~So Long~


    Don’t ya just love it when the calm before the storm is in reality the storm before the storm?!

    Part of me knows it’s my fault……could have worked more this weekend, could be a touch more organized.

    But another part of me says I need more hours in the day, and for heaven’s sake, I feel like I’m busy almost all the time.

    Either way, here I am at 10:35 p.m. 

    Just finishing the bulk of my prep work for the first day of school tomorrow.

    Three kids have:

    Text books with names on them, binders with labeled tab dividers per subject, medical forms filled out, very important decorative key chains attached to back packs, lunch food in the fridge, ready to be made in the morning, uniforms fluffing in the dryer, pencils sharpened, and my alarm clock set for 6:30 sharp. 

    I have all kind of goals for the school year to help make the days run smoother. Will let you know how those develop and hold out. silly

    One thing I’m for sure doing is on the two days a week that I’m literally in the car from at least 2:30 to heaven knows when, I’m packing a cooler with drinks, I’ll have a permanent bag in the car filled with snacks, napkins, wet wipes, and a separate bag with coloring stuff and bribe candy. I think it’s a good plan.


    So long summer. It was a good one…..though I must say I’m a little irritated with how quickly you came and went.

    Whatever happened to post Labor Day school start? 






July 31, 2012

  • ~Some of My People~



    They can be a blessing or a curse.

    These people happen to be blessings.


    They are:


    Iron sharpening iron 




    Loads of fun

    Vastly different

    Oddly similar


    Thanks to a whole lot of grandparents, we were able to steal an adult only weekend in the mountains.

    We played, laughed, talked, ate, grilled meat, ate lots of peanut butter, jumped off rocks, ate, swam in rivers, shot guns, ate, and shared our hearts for 2 and a half days. 












    Who plays “spoons” in their 30′s and 40′s?   ~WE DO~   ….and it’s still as fun as it was when I was 17.




    Looking forward to tonight with my family.

    Supper is on the stove.

    The house is clean.

    Brad should be home soon.

    We are settling in for a cozy night of Olympics. 

    Swimming and gymnastics finals. GO USA!!!




July 12, 2012

  • ~What I Think~



    I am completely fed up and turned off by politics. 

    I think at least 80% of all elected officials in Washington should be fired and we should start all over.

    I think our freedom is being taken away one tiny bit at a time. 

    I think good people, in the name of not being offensive, keep their mouths shut when they should speak up. 

    I think equal opportunity means everyone starts from square one. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I should get a head start on a man.

    I think my government owes me NOTHING except my freedom. 

    I am disgusted by people’s ignorance. It is my responsibility to be knowledgeable, to be informed, and to be involved in whatever capacity I can.

    If we loose sight of where we’ve come from and if we fail to teach our children why we became a nation, they will most likely believe whatever they hear from whatever the source.

    I wish more people were fearless.

    I’ve about decided it’s better to be one of those people with fifty bumper stickers on their car than it is to remain silent and spend your life doing nothing, striving only for self-preservation. 



    An excerpt from George Washington’s Farewell Address after he announced he would retire from political office after completing his second term:


    “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,

    religion and morality are indispensable supports. 

    In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism,

    who should labor to subvert these great pillars.”



    The previous is what I frustratedly (is that even a word?) typed a couple mornings ago, after two days of brooding over several things I’d recently seen on the news.  

    I’m laid back for the most part but one of the things I get really fired up over are things concerning my country because I love it dearly.  Few things frustrate me as much as seeing events, people, and cultures that are undermining this nation that I believe in. I genuinely was angry, irritated, bothered, and just mad about some things and needed to get it off my chest. I don’t like to be unhappy. I’m an optimist. I like happy endings and I refuse to stay grouchy for long over anything. 


    As SOON as I typed the above rant, I got a message from a friend who’s Daddy just learned he is facing potentially serious health issues. I instantly stopped and sighed for her. The world really does stop when your slapped up side the head with something life and death, doesn’t it?

    Then it hit me. All the anger over these issues, (that are still vitally important) left me. I still believe in right and wrong. In absolutes. In conservative values. But my perspective was fine tuned.

    My hope doesn’t lie in things earthly…..temporal. I know the God of the universe.

    Doesn’t really matter much what happens on this earth because it is a tiny fraction of the life I will live.

    Scratch that. It absolutely DOES matter what happens on this earth because I have a  purpose here that is critically important. (which is why I HATE when Christians act like it’s ungodly to care about the affairs of men and government. We are made in His likeness but God made us human and we have a responsibility to govern what we’ve been given)

    Death comes to all of us.  But for me, death is simply an open door to eternity. 

    Not fearing death changes how you live. 

    I want to matter. To count. Which is why I won’t apologize for what I believe. 

    It’s not when you die, but how you live. 


    Make a difference. 

    If it’s being kind to a neighbor who doesn’t think like you…love them for who they are, not what you think they should be.

    If it’s running for public office and changing legislation, do it. I hope you get elected!

    If it’s taking McDonald’s to a needy child in your child’s school for lunch, they will love it.

    If it’s putting on your business suit and being a man of integrity in an office full of back-stabbing, power hungry men….be a leader. Do the right thing.

    If it’s training your children to think critically and be people of integrity, do it with passion. You’re affecting generations to come. 



    Moving on…..

    What a great Saturday we’ve had! 

    Brad got up, took the kids to breakfast and I stayed in the bed, listening to the quiet.

    It struck me that in a matter of time, this will be my every Saturday. I’m embracing the noise now, and plan to embrace the quiet if and when it comes. 

    We’ve been productive enough, cleaning up a few things, hung a couple things that have been propped on a chair for weeks, and now Brad has the big three at the pool and Emma is napping. (thus the post)

    What a Daddy my kids have. I mean, the man is a good one. 

    We get to go tonight to visit with old medical school friends.

    Tomorrow, a walking miracle, Michael McMillan, and his two lovely women, Gracen and Haley Clayton, are coming to visit. Can’t wait. I might cry when I see him. A few weeks ago, he was in the ICU with a hemorrhaging brain tumor, at death’s door step. I cried and prayed like there was no tomorrow and low and behold, he’s coming to my house tomorrow. Post surgery, mid therapy. Like I said, a walking miracle. 

    I’m full of grateful, happy love today. I could be a hippy for the day. silly



    She’s 2, you know. Did NOT want to have her picture taken.



    Bless her sweet, funny, stubborn, independent heart. And mine, too.




    p.s. wonder if I’ll regret this post. if it goes away, that means yes. 





July 4, 2012

  • ~The 4th~

    We have been a non stop party since yesterday afternoon. 

    The house is quiet……. I think the kids were asleep before their heads hit their pillows. 


    4th of July is near the top of my favorites list. Second only to Christmas.

    I hope we can preserve our freedom. 

    I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have serious trepidation about where we are as a nation, where we are going, and how exactly we will get there. 

    This is a wonderfully unique country and and I am blessed to call it home.

    I love the foundational pillars that support us.

    One of the founding fathers said that morality and religion were necessary components to a successful nation. He went further and said when those things cease to exist, we would crumble.



    *next morning* (Couldn’t hold my eyes open last night)

    All in all, it was one of the most fun, packed full 4th’s we’ve ever had. 

    So thankful for friends and family.

    Yesterday, the day started at 7:30 with a 10k run organized to benefit a family going through an international adoption.

    I was there to take pictures of the event.

    Brad nor I are true runners.

    I’m a treadmill kind of girl. Or I’ll go out and walk or ride a bike. If I go two miles four times a week, I’m a happy camper. (That doesn’t happen as often as I’d like, just for the record)winky

    Brad, on the other hand, LOVES working out. I’m talking, actually enjoys it. I enjoy getting FINISHED, but he likes every minute of it.

    That being said, he does not like to run more than 2 or 3 miles. Never has.  

    Back to yesterday, he gets up at 6:30 to swim laps. He comes home to me getting ready to go to the race. 

    “You think I ought to run?”

    “Uhm, no! You’ve never run more than a few miles. You just swam. Why are you even asking me that?!”

    His sweet, loyal smile crept across his face.

    “Well, Chris was messing with me last night and said it wasn’t about running but it was about camaraderie.”

    I chuckled a little at how sweet he is and how crazy he is. 

    “Well. I mean, you could do it. It’s whatever you think.”

    “Dang it. I’ll run it. Hang on, let me dry off and I’ll be there in a little bit.”

    I am really proud of that man. 







    Happy Birthday, America!



July 2, 2012

  • ~Fracture and a Photog Question~

    If you are here to help with my photog question, feel free to scroll to the bottom

    and THANKS for your input!



    Avery fractured her clavicle. 

    She earned brownie points around here for her toughness.

    She has a flare for the dramatic

    so there’s always a bit of questioning 

    when we’re told

    the world’s coming to an end


    “I’m dying”


    “Yes! He did it on purpose”

    She fell off the bed in the middle of the night.

    Brad did an x-ray the next day and lo and behold….

    a nasty little fracture.

    She was not happy about the rather unattractive black sling

    so Mrs. Mande fixed it up for her.

    We call it the bling sling. laughing

    She’s been a little trooper.






    My sweet sister took my two big kids to her house for a couple days and let me just say……


    For real.  

    I wouldn’t trade a single one of mine but it’s simple…….

    More is more.

    Avery is lost without them so Ailee helped keep her company. 





    Brad gave me a Canon 7D for our anniversary.

    I haven’t had a lot of time to play with it and tomorrow our July 4th festivities begin.

    What is a good setting for shooting moving, multiple kids outside in decent light?

    And then the same question for indoors.

    I make the most mistakes with multiple subjects. Without fail, someone is not in focus. 

    My lens is an 18-135.








June 18, 2012

  • ~On My Floor~Potty Training…Not~


    Took a look around at about 6:05. Working on dinner. Beef stroganoff….one of the kids’ favorites.

    My floor. Aside from dirt, dust bunnies, and the top strip of a yogurt tube, I found quite a few things. 

    Blueberries spilled. Just bought them today. Two cartons already eaten and this one on the floor was the last one. Picked them up, blew them off, and put them right back in the carton.

    The water jug? Why not?! 

    The bike trailer……has been sitting there for a few days. I tried to put it together today. By tried, I mean, sat down with the directions for five minutes. Couldn’t find the brake button, saw that I needed a screw driver and decided this one would have to wait for Brad. 

    The 13 year old lap top cord? No idea.

    And the flip flops…..I mind them being on the stairs far less than I mind them in the middle of the den floor. At least there, they are on their way up.



    Oh and we attempted potty training today for a grand total of 20 minutes. Big girl panties on, m&m’s in a jar on the bathroom shelf, potty seat insert on it’s perch. We were ready to go.

    She sat on the potty several times.

    She was dry about 18 minutes.

    Then there came the puddle. Wood floor, thankfully, no carpet or furniture. She freaked out. I tossed her on the toilet, hoping for a little tinkle so she would get the idea.

    All I got was a completely annoyed baby asking for her “Biaper”.

    This is why my babies are well on their way to three before we potty train. 

    It’s simple. 

    Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a …….well, you know. 




June 13, 2012

  • ~bathroom conversation~


    (Two sisters in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. These are the moments I’m glad that from my den, I can hear everything that goes on upstairs.)

    “Reese, am I annoying or non annoying?” 

    (paste applied, water turns on then off again)


    “Am I annoying or non?!”

    (the frustration is growing in this 6 year old’s voice.)

    “Avery. Why are you asking me this?”

    (one tooth brush tap, tap, taps, against the sink)

    “Well, ‘cuz like, there’s this boy at VBS who says I am. So I need to know. Am I annoying or non?”


    Avery, you need to have thicker skin.”


    “Because, Avery. Boys are just boys and….thicker skin matters.”

    (swishing brushes start and stop way too quickly for thoroughly cleaned teeth, but there was deep conversation to be had)

    “See, Avery, one time, there was this really pretty girl and she said a really mean thing to me. She said Auburn was the worst team ever and that I was a bad girl.”

    “Was she very cute?”

    “Oh yes.  She was beautiful. So anyway, she was really mean and then I saw her again and thought, OH NO. HERE COMES THAT MEAN GIRL.

    But then she got nicer and wasn’t mean anymore. See?!”


    My six year old is asking her big sister to tell her who she is.    ~Identities are being formed.~ 

    I don’t think I could have answered much better than my eight year old did.  ~So, well done, Reese.~

    This home is a safe place to get the truth. ~Listen to the ones you care about and speak carefully. Words are powerful~




    When in doubt, err on the side of love and forgiveness.



    Whether you jump in…….



    Or whether you’re thrown in…….

    Once you’re in, you’re in. ~ Make the best of it.






    Life isn’t always fair. 




    Sometimes you misunderstand and sometimes you’re misunderstood.





    A glad heart makes a cheerful face…. ~Proverbs 15:13a





    Love never gives up. 
       Love cares more for others than for self. 
       Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. 
       Love doesn’t strut, 
       Doesn’t have a swelled head, 
       Doesn’t force itself on others, 
       Isn’t always “me first,” 
       Doesn’t fly off the handle, 
       Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, 
       Doesn’t revel when others grovel, 
       Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, 
       Puts up with anything, 
       Trusts God always, 
       Always looks for the best, 
       Never looks back, 
       But keeps going to the end.





